born 25th April 1965 in Austria
active as an artist since 1986
paintings sculptures concept art
group exhibitions
–sterreichische kulturwochen/saarbr¸cken
(austrian cultural weeks in saarbr¸cken)
'wa(h)re kunst' artophibia/graz (art as a consumerís good)
solo exhibitions
'kongestion des k¸nstlers' galerie yin-yang/graz
(congestion of the artist)
'rex_torte' ESC labor/graz
inventing of board games
due to two licence contracts with german publishers
make-up artist training in los angeles
due to my contacts to various artists, several orders in the
area of make-up and styling
mona may,'(h)eras:(h)aar' and 'uxus' tanztheatrale
lisa d. 'fiona bennettî
technical university graz of architecture
'dress as a prothesis'
veronika dreier, doris jauk-hinz, eva ursprung;
'the danube streaming show'
veronika dreier, graz intern 'gruppe baodo'
photographical works of art have always
been a part of my life and became my
central interest in 2002
'blaue blase' (blue bubble) photographical work and public
discussion with management, politicians and artists about
the 'kunsthaus graz 003' /graz